A final report must be submitted online within one month after the end of the visit. The link is provided either in the email of award (short visit) or in the email informing the grantee of the transfer of the advance payment (exchange visit). The final report is composed of the following three elements for both short and exchange visit grants:
1. A scientific report in .pdf or .doc format. It should contain the following information and not exceed 6-8 A4 pages:
- Purpose of the visit;
- Description of the work carried out during the visit;
- Description of the main results obtained;
- Future collaboration with host institution (if applicable);
- Projected publications / articles resulting or to result from the grant (ESF must be acknowledged in publications resulting from the grantee’s work in relation with the grant);
- Other comments (if any).
2. A signed host statement form*
3. A completed and signed balance payment form* accompanied by the original travel tickets
*automatically generated once the online report has been submitted