The European Cleft Gateway, hosted by the European Cleft Organisation, is currently under construction. This valuable resource will include a directory of cleft teams and patient support groups in Europe, record ongoing research into the causes and treatment of clefts and, in time, provide a full on-line library for users and clinicians alike.
The project is being done on behalf of EUROCleftNet, an ESF-funded Europe-wide network of researchers and clinicians working together to support investigations into the causes of cleft lip and palate and improve treatment outcomes. Its primary aim is to extend the reach of research potential by bringing together wider groups of clinicians and researchers to define and propose research studies to further its objectives and to seek opportunities for long term research funding. Integral to the success of EUROCleftNet, there is a need for an updated directory of European resources and services. The data collected as part of the EUROCRAN project between 2001 and 2005 needs to be reviewed and expanded. The Gateway will be the new home to this data.
Please help us update our records
Between May and September 2012 EUROCleftNet sent out questionnaires to cleft teams / hospitals / research units throughout Europe in order to update details and to find out about new research projects. There was a good response but EUROCleftNet still does not have complete data. Those cleft teams who did not, or do not know, whether they received a questionnaire can still complete it and return it online. Complete the EUROCleftNet questionnaire. Thank you for your cooperation. By providing us with your details, we will ensure that you receive updates about cleft research in Europe and about potential opportunities for grant funding at a national and European level.